Friday, September 5, 2014

Zum zum books event and class.

Here is a flyer for an event and class I will be at in Italy.
The school of comics is a fantastic place for learning about Comics and Animation.
Hopefully one day they will set up a school in the East or West coast.
Best to all.

Monday, September 1, 2014

zum zum books!

Its a great day to announce that zum zum books is now up and running, and heading into the home stretch as we get ready to put out an entire series of illustrated classic novels, original graphic novels, and some unique kid books thrown in for good measure.
Join us at the website and let us know what you think.
Here is a small concept study for Voltaire's Candide which I believe will be one of the most unique, zum zum books!

Best always!



Happy Labor day everyone!
I have a lot of news to share, and in the next couple of days I will be posting about it all. Right now I just wanted to say that my old website is now mine again, and little by little that work in progress will get up to speed.
Here is a illustration from the upcoming zumzum book of Bram Stoker's Dracula!

Enjoy and Happy Labor day everyone.
Thank you for your support.
Best always